Thursday, October 25, 2012

Research Gets Aggressive with Lyme Disease Research

Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdoferi and is carried by ticks.  It was discovered in 1981 and humans become infected with the bacteria when bitten by a tick carrying the tiny organism. It causes inflammation and infection in body tissues and can also progress to causing neurological symptoms and heart problems, among many other things.  It is treated with antibiotics and some cases are more severe than others.

Lyme disease affects around 30,000 Americans yearly and researchers are now trying to find the specific genes that make the Borrelia organism so relentless and persistent.

They are now on a mission to figure out the spirochete's method of survival and exactly how it is able to proliferate in the body.  Lyme disease patients are probably wondering why some research like this has not been a priority before now, but better late than never.


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